Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sugar Cube Illustration

The Bench sighs of Anne Goscinny (Grasset)

I'm watching In Field the night of February 28 , which was devoted to Polar. I am delighted to find three authors whose books I like: Frank Thilliez, Maxime Chattam and Pierre Lemaitre. I just discovered the world of Eric Giacometti and Jacques Ravenna, the two authors who do not like rugby (: p). And I am especially aware of Anne Goscinny and his novel, the bench and sighs. Besides the fact that she speaks very much of his book, I could not help but go surfing on the net to read the back cover and suddenly, it was hard for me not to order ...

A woman was killed. The police investigated and questioned in turn the characters who have crossed the main suspect, the victim's husband and psychoanalyst. Among the testimonies, that of Joan, his last patient, who had decided to follow him into his most secret intimacy which one to three times a week, she was engaged ...
Each statement in its own way, accuses the husband's best friend, her mother, the housekeeper, all have legitimate reasons to blame him. Is he guilty for all that?
A kaleidoscope of views, a round of styles, tones and voices, romantic tension until the final coup de théâtre.

Anne Goscinny, René's daughter, was born in May 1968. Literary critic, she has contributed to numerous publications including Paris Match, Le Figaro Literary L'Express Magazine Literary . She has published three novels by Grasset, The Office of solitude (2002), The Thief mother (2004) and The Eternal Father (2006) who won the prize of Wizo.

Frederick Fontès


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